Universities and Courses
Below is a list of (mostly) universities, in reverse chronological order, where I taught as the instructor of record as well as the courses I taught. This does not include the courses (at the University of California, Irvine and Biola University) for which I was a teaching assistant.
Johns Hopkins University, Center for Talented Youth
Newton, Darwin, and Einstein
University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley
Critical Thinking
Introduction to Philosophy
Philosophy and History of Science
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Basic Philosophical Issues
Early Modern Philosophy
Logic and Critical Thinking
Philosophy of Science
Religion and Science
Seminar in Philosophy: Skepticism
Seminar in Philosophy: Inference to the Best Explanation
Symbolic Logic
Carleton College (Northfield, MN)
Induction and Scientific Reasoning
Philosophy of Physics
Skepticism, God, and Mind
The University of Western Ontario
Introduction to Decision Analysis
University of California, Irvine
Critical Reasoning
Introduction to Symbolic Logic
Fieldstead Academy (Private High School)
Conceptual Physics
Biola University
Physics II